Enlyten strips' advanced technology delivers nutrients faster and more effectively, with reduced side effects. Enlyten Consist Of: Appetite Suppressant, Calorie Burner, Antioxidants, Electrolytes Plus, Energy, & Melatonin Plus Strips.
Enlyten Antioxidant Strips

enlyten Antioxidant Strips are formulated with some of the most scientifically proven antioxidant properties in the world.
Antioxidants have been shown to neutralize free radicals t hat can damage cells and contribute to aging a nd to aid and support healthy bone and organ functioning.Enlyten Appetite Suppressant Strips
Enlyten Calorie Burner Strips
Enlyten Electrolytes Plus
enlyten Electrolytes Plus Strips are engineered to pre-load your body with much-needed electrolytes prior to exercise to promote optimal physical performance.
Electrolyte Plus St rips deliver fast and effective e lectrolytes to help maintain proper hydration and achieve peak muscle and nerve function.Enlyten Energy Strips
Enlyten Melatonin Strips

enlyten Melatonin Strips are designed with the perfect blend of melatonin and theanine to work in conjunction as a natural aid to reduce mental and physical stress and help you sleep better.